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Increasing the amount of time schools devote to physical education each week could dramatically reduce the number of children who are doing only minimal levels of exercise, researchers from the University of Otago, Wellington and Sport New Zealand have found.Increasing PE time at school to...

This report assessed the effectiveness of interventions for childhood overweight and obesity and found that current interventions for the management of obesity among schoolchildren on weight-related outcomes were inconclusive.However, behavioural lifestyle interventions by interdisciplinary teams and family involvement can help curb obesity among schoolchildren. Read report ...

Growing Up in New Zealand has released its latest study report, Transition to school. This is the study’s eighth report and summarises findings from Growing Up’s 72 Month Data Collection Wave. Study Director, Associate Professor Susan Morton, University of Auckland, says this report homes in on the cohort children’s experience of...

Children need the right fuel to run and jump and play but also, to think, says Dr Kirsty Fairbairn. We all want our children to do well in life. We want them to be happy, have self-belief and have a passion to learn about the world. As...

Project Energize is a programme that aims to increase children's physical activity levels, improve their nutritional status and ultimately their overall health. The programme began at Sport Waikato in 2005, funded by the Waikato District Health Board and was established in Wellington in 2016. Delivered by...