ANA Member Organisations

Benefits of ANA Membership


Be a part of a national collective that leads, advocates, informs and shares public health physical activity and nutrition evidence-based research and resources. Membership is open to organisations that share Activity and Nutrition Aotearoa’s (ANA) vision that, everyone in Aotearoa can and does eat well and leads an active life.




  • Participate in biannual ANA member only forums – a platform for nutrition and physical activity sector updates and  shared action
  • Network and build relationships, share information, knowledge, skills and collaborate with other like-minded organisations
  • Receive discounted rates for attending the ANA conference. In 2019 organisations saved $200/person off the full conference registration costs



  • Contribute to shaping public health nutrition and physical activity policy by working together
  • Guide ANA future directions through nominating to the ANA executive board and voting at the AGM
  • Collaborate with ANA to host events
  • Contribute to combined statements, articles, evidence snapshots and submissions made by ANA



  • Priority promotion for  job vacancies, resources, and events on ANA’s  website and ANA Focus newsletter
  • The first choice of conference sponsorship packages


  • Receive ANA communications tailored specifically to member organisations
  • Access to members only section of website
  • Display  your organisation logo and website link on the ANA website


While ANA supports the establishment of new relationships with other like-minded associations, we recognise that our relationships can influence our activities, image and credibility


Our ANA Ethics of Association was written to guide how we associate with outside organisations