
Playground drinking fountains in 17 local government areas: survey methods and results Authors George Thomson and Nick Wilson Abstract: Appropriate public access to water is an increasing concern, and to further explore field observation methods for assessing such access, we aimed to survey drinking fountains in playgrounds...

Almost 75 % of older adults involved in a recent Massey University study were at risk of malnourishment, or were malnourished, when they were admitted to hospital. The study, led by Associate Professor Carol Wham from the College of Health, aimed to investigate malnutrition risk in older...

This Public Health Expert blog article discusses the literature on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of dietary counselling as a health intervention. The authors  state "Most studies suggest that dietary counselling is effective though the benefits are typically modest and short-term. The literature on cost-effectiveness is mixed, and...

This research article was published on 1st March 2018 in the Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 7(1), 31-38 Authors Sandra Mandic, Hamish Wilson, Monika Clark-Grill, Diana O’Neill This study evaluated the effects of a physical activity (PA) learning module on knowledge, skills, and attitudes toward...

Abstract from the Journal of Health Communication. Authors James Kite, Anne Grunseit, Erika Bohn, Goldaum, Tom Carroll & Adrian Bauman Mass media campaigns are a commonly used strategy in public health. However, no review has assessed whether the design and evaluation of overweight and obesity campaigns meets...

This UK report published by the Cancer Research UK, January 2018, examines the association between television marketing and diet and recommends urgent action on junk food television marketing. The report is called “10 Years On: New evidence on TV marketing and junk food eating amongst 11-19...

Published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity201714:165 Authors: Jessica L. Unick, Wei Lang, Samantha E. Williams, Dale S. Bond, Caitlin M. Egan, Mark A. Espeland, Rena R. Wing, Deborah F. Tate and SNAP Research Group Abstract Background Reductions in physical activity (PA) are common throughout young adulthood and low PA is associated with weight gain. The SNAP Trial previously reported that...

AUTHORS:Cliona Ni Mhurchu, Helen C. Eyles, Yannan Jiang, Tony Blakely YEAR OF PUBLICATION: 2017   ABSTRACT There are few objective data on how nutrition labels are used in real-world shopping situations, or how they affect dietary choices and patterns. The Starlight study was a four-week randomised, controlled trial of the effects...