Author: Alison Pask

Julia Rout is the national health promotion manager for the Stroke Foundation. “I always knew I wanted to work in health. I really liked hospitals and wanted to work in one, because I was fascinated with how the human body works and the clever things we...

The importance of positive wellbeing has been highlighted as we experience life during COVID-19. Our ability to socialise with friends and family and to live and work normally has changed massively since January 2020. In 2018 nearly 1 in 4 New Zealand adults reported experiencing ‘poor’...

Shayne Nahu (Te Arawa, Tainui, Irish) chairs the ANA board and is the wellbeing and advocacy manager at the Cancer Society of New Zealand. I’ve been working in public health for around 30 years. It’s still hugely challenging; there are still so many opportunities to make...

Unhealthy Takeaways Have No Mauri! That’s the bold message Toi Tangata wants to send to whānau who now have the option of buying take out food again. Chief Executive Megan Tunks says, “McDonalds, KFC and the like are heavy in saturated fat and sodium. These options are...

Dr Geoff Kira (Nga Puhi) is a senior lecturer in Public Health at Massey University. “I’m a public health scientist with the School of Health Sciences at Massey. My research is a wide variety of things, with a focus on interventions that will positively impact unfair...