Obesity Tag

The Scorecard  brings together obesity, nutrition, physical activity and child dental health data, giving a consolidated insight into the health of adults and children living in New Zealand’s biggest city, Tāmaki Makaurau.  ...

This Public Health Expert blog article discusses the literature on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of dietary counselling as a health intervention. The authors  state "Most studies suggest that dietary counselling is effective though the benefits are typically modest and short-term. The literature on cost-effectiveness is mixed, and...

Public health and the food and drinks industry: The governance and ethics of interaction. Lessons from research, policy and practice This publication aims: To increase awareness and understanding of the ethical challenges that may arise from public-private interactions for the prevention of nutrition-related NCDs across research,...

Abstract from the Journal of Health Communication. Authors James Kite, Anne Grunseit, Erika Bohn, Goldaum, Tom Carroll & Adrian Bauman Mass media campaigns are a commonly used strategy in public health. However, no review has assessed whether the design and evaluation of overweight and obesity campaigns meets...