
  ANA hosted the Wairoa Forum on the 7th March 2018. This event is designed to support those working to promote public health nutrition and physical activity with new research, resources, and tools. Download programme Presentation Slides Update on Food and Nutrition a discussion Kahungunu...

Imagine Aotearoa like this: “…our communities, towns and cities actively promote and attract healthy food retail outlets such as grocery stores, produce markets, and dairies with fresh fruit and vegetables; our environment supports local farmers, and promotes local agriculture, such as community gardens and edible...

ANA asked you to share your favourite activity to get children physically active and away from screens over the holidays. Congratulations to Vanessa May, the winner of the  book “Bright Ideas for Young Minds.” Vanessa has shared a simple yet effective idea which we love....

How to get a nation walking: reach, retention, participant characteristics and program implications of Heart Foundation Walking, a nationwide Australian community-based walking program Authors: Kylie Ball, Gavin Abbott, Michelle Wilson, Melanie Chisholm and Shannon Sahlqvist International Journal of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity201714:161   Abstract Background Community-based walking programs represent a...